From Blog to Book

Donna Lynn
4 min readJan 24, 2024


Because I was feeling the need to fill up my lost and shallow emptiness.

(Photo of Donna from her personal files.)

I was busy. I felt fulfilled.

After retiring from teaching, I filled up my days with what felt good and right.

I was mostly volunteering:

My first gig was at the Children’s Peace Pavilion where I guided and toured and taught peace concepts to school age children on field trips. I was finished with the traditional classroom, but this filled a void. I got to teach something meaningful, even life changing. It was good!

I also volunteered one morning a week at Children’s Mercy Hospital. I read books, sang songs, and played games with kids while also visiting with parents. And then there were the babies! I discovered my superpower, holding fussy babies.

Also, weekly I taught Sunday school to eight-year-olds at church.

And then, following endless classes with my extra-large, extra challenging puppy, we brought home a “Good Citizen” certificate, obtaining “exemplary canine status” with my dog, Toby.

And when it worked out, I put all of my volunteering and dog training on hold and traveled with my husband.

Life was good and I liked it.

And then the dreaded COVID 19 virus changed EVERYTHING.

Now what? I thought. Life needed some meaning. I didn’t feel like I could just bake homemade biscuits and binge TV shows non-stop. Well, actually I guess I could, and DID — some. but it was at the expense of feeling lost and shallow.

Until I had an idea to begin writing — something I’d dreamed of doing someday.

I thought a blog sounded kind of cool — but I needed help with the technology. So, I called a tech guy that I’d known since his toddler days, and he delivered! He recommended a platform called Medium and after setting me up, I was off!

I chose a theme or somewhat of a niche: “Let the good times grow,” and the words and stories just flowed.

I wrote about lots of stuff, but I kept coming back to the common denominator of kids.

As I began posting on my blog, I was pleasantly surprised at my success as I gained acceptance for my articles on many of the publications on Medium. (And I gained a decent following — 1.2K) However, my favorite postings were when I shared on Facebook, because hearing from known readers was amazingly satisfying.

And now — following my blog — a published book exists.

And I couldn’t have done it alone…

Many thanks to my three kids, and five grandchildren for providing stories and letting me share them! And, also, many thanks to my former students. And, lastly, thanks to the random passersby who unknowingly ended up personifying a point and ending up in my book, unbeknownst to them.

My book is published, it’s available and it’s currently in the hands of about 300 readers.

And now? I’m thoroughly enjoying meeting new people as well as reconnecting with former friends, family and professional co-workers as I promote my book in bookstore signings and the like.

I am so honored to share that three former principals have read my book and given me thoughtful and positive reviews. A cousin sent me detailed, annotated notes from his perusal that touched my heart and there have been many others that have encouraged me as they have read and shared comments.

And although the stories span a couple of decades of raising my own children, teaching and observing, the writing all began with a crazy pandemic that pulled the rug out from under my daily routine.

And a lifelong desire to put my writing skills to the test was given a chance, with the resulting book Kids Are Worth It: Let the Good Times Grow!

If this article intrigues you at all, I offer to you, my book. I would be honored if you chose to read it.

Here are the links to Barnes and Noble and Amazon for reviews and ordering specifics. Please add your own review if you feel inclined to do so!

I would be willing, even, to personally sign a book for you if that is your wish. With a Venmo payment I will personally send you a book for the same charge that you would receive from Barnes and Noble or Amazon. Send request to

Happy reading and thank you!



Donna Lynn

I’m Donna — mom of three grown children and grandma to 5. I’m a former kindergarten teacher and I love to write.