The Dreaded Consequences

Follow through or don’t bother wasting your breath.

Donna Lynn
4 min readSep 22, 2023
Photo by Aedrian on Unsplash

“Follow the rule I’ve laid down or you will owe me a quarter. Yes, a whole quarter for every sock, shirt or pair of underwear. I’ve asked time and again and it isn’t happening. So, we’re going to change that. Turn your clothes right-side-out before you put them in the laundry. That’s it. Please just do it, and we won’t have to talk about consequences ever again.”

“Pick up your room by Thursday morning or the cleaning lady will leave your room untouched. The entire job will then be yours — vacuuming, dusting and bathroom cleaning — from top to bottom. It’s your choice but you now know the consequences either way.”

“Be home at the agreed upon time. If there is a real reason you could be late, call us, no exceptions. Don’t tell me your phone died — borrow a friend’s. We will pick up every unknown call when you are out and about. If you don’t do this your car privileges will be for school commutes only. Period.”

My rules may not be yours. Yours may not be mine! But regardless of what you deem right or wrong or just plain annoying, please don’t lay down the gauntlet of possible consequences unless you’re totally all in, totally serious, totally going to follow through.



Donna Lynn

I’m Donna — mom of three grown children and grandma to 5. I’m a former kindergarten teacher and I love to write.